Import of finished products and material requirements for the project
By importing all your finished product (cabinets and accessories) as well as your material requirements, you will be able to considerably optimize the time for many of your upcoming processes, such as supplying, planning your workstation or shipping.
There are multiple ways to import, based on your CAD/CAM program:
Cabinet Vision Import
The PSNC.CV file and the Report will be needed for the import.Microvellum import
Depending on your Microvellum version, you will either need the OverdrivePro and PartLabels_NEST files or the .sdf one.Excel Import
You will need an excel sheet based on a specific format to import.
To import, select your customer first, the type of import and select the needed files.
Note: Make sure that your project has been optimized prior to the import in order to have the right quantities of sheet.
You then have to select the different names of the parent folders (room) and the type of product you wish to import, then click on ‘'import’'.
Once your project has been imported, the finished products and the different materials will be listed under different tabs:
Finished product
Find your parent folders (such as your different room) and the cabinets/accessories listed under each of them.Materials
This list contains all your material requirements and their cumulated quantities of the parent folders. It includes sheets good, edge banding and hardware.Features
Under this tab, you will find all of your customizable products such as doors, finished components, mouldings, countertops or other special material.Planning
When importing, you will be able to evaluate the production time based on the time previously configured in each of your products.Cost price
It is also possible, at this step, to get the estimated cost price of the project.Non-existent matches
It’s under this tab that you will find all of your products comings from your CAD/CAM that hasn’t been linked yet to existing products in Cienapps.Exclusions
It sometimes happens that certain products might be needed for technical drawing purposes but not as a finished product or material requirement. As they will get imported nonetheless, you will have to exclude them. This excluded products will then be list under this tab.
Once your inexistent matches are processed, you will be able to save your import by clicking on ‘'save’'.
In case of mistakes at the import, you can click on ‘'initialize’' to restart all of it.
You may then select an existing quote, order or work order or import in a new file.
Merging is the last import step. It allows you to filter what is already in the project and what you wish to add.
In the folder index window, you will have to link each of your room to the corresponding folder if it existed beforehand in your quotation, order or work-order.
Once linked, you will get to the merging window. The upper table represents the elements that were in the initial folder, while the lower table represents the elements newly imported. The merging allows you to select each element, within both the initial and new folder, you wish to keep or replace. To keep them, simply check the box in the ‘'process’' column. The unchecked products will be deleted at the end of this step.
You will have to proceed as described for each folder (rooms) of your project; once for the finished product and a second time for your material requirements.
Once the merge completed, click on ‘'Process’' to finalize the import in the quotation, order or work-order.