Automatic creation of a copy of the files necessary for the import of Cabinet Vision

The Cabinet Vision to cienapps Transmit to factory button is used to rename and copy the Cabinet Vision user report.mdb and psnc to a specific folder that will be used later to import project data into cienapps


To install and configure the button you need to download

and unzip it in C:\Cabinet Vision\ folder.

Next go into the unzipped folder and execute Setup.exe.

The Installation form will ask you in wich language you want it to be installed.

just select the language you need then the Cabinet Vision Transmit to Factory Button Creator form will load automaticly.

First : You need to select the Report.mdb User Folder. To do it just press the button and select the folder where your Cabinet Vision User save the Report.

Normally it should be in C:\Cabinet Vision\ but it depend in wich folder you installed Cabinet Vision and if it’s Network installed.

Second : You need to select the Psnc.mdb User Folder. it should be in the same folder as the Report.mdb if Cabinet Vision is network installed, if not the Psnc will be in the Nc_Center\Database folder from your computer.

Third : You need to select where you want these files to be copied. Just press the Network Installation button and select the folder you want.

Normally you should have a network folder where eveybody save there files.


By Default the Cabinet Vision Transmit to Factory Button Creator will create the button in Cabinet Vision 10 but if you are using CV11 or CV12 just check the Add Button to CV11 or Add Button to CV12 checkbox.

You can check both if you use both.


The CNCPOPULATEREPORT checkbox is used to Activate the report center process in the background when going to the NC_Center.

This give you the ability that you dont have to press the report button to populate the Report.mdb

If you want to use it just check the checkbox.


Finally you just need to press Create Button then close everything.