Mapping between internal features and those of the supplier

Mapping between internal features and those of the supplier

The features mapping module allows you to link your external supplier grid to that of the supplier on Cieblink during your purchase transfer. It automatically links the recognized features or otherwise offers to link your features / categories and those of the supplier if they are not recognized. It is advisable to have a grid similar to that of the supplier in order to characterize your purchases automatically on Cieblink.

The mapping is done by product by supplier. You must come and select the “Feature mapping” checkbox in the product sheet of the desired supplier.





When you next purchase this product from the supplier, all the categories and features chosen will be sent to Cieblink. If all categories and features are recognized, the purchase of Cieblink will open normally, otherwise, the pending basket window will allow you to link your choices with that of the supplier.


This window will appear every time a missing link is detected between Cienapps and Cieblink. Note that if the name of the category or feature is identical between you and your supplier, the link will be done automatically. If you ever use categories for your external grid that the supplier does not use, it is possible to click on the remove in order to ignore this choice.



Once all the connections have been made, the "save and continue" button will open your purchase. The product of your purchase will be characterized by the information that you have transferred according to the supplier's grid, so if your grid is identical to that of the supplier, the characterization could be complete.