2020 Design XML Import
Import cabinets of a room drawn in 2020 Design. The imported information is constantly evolving according to the needs of our users.
The link between 2020 Design and Cienapps is made through Cienapps feature grids configuration. Mapping information must be configured in Cienapps.
XML file structure
The example file contains a room with a single cabinet (Item).
The mandatory information is:
Unit System:<MeasurementUnit>Imperial</MeasurementUnit>
At least one item:<Item>
Mandatory information for an item:<UserCode>Cienapps product code</UserCode
Optionnal informations for an item:
Dimensions : <Var ID="0" Type="Dim">
Optional information to map in the Cienapps feature grid:<Description>Base</Description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Value><![CDATA[34 1/2]]></Value>
XML Mapping Configuration
When in a Cienapps feature file, we can put the corresponding XML information.
Importing the XML file
An import button is available in Cieblink’s room configurator.
In the example, we can see that the choice of finished side is preselected according to the XML mapping.