Cost price by folder
To know your cost price per project is already quite good. Being able to know exactly where are your losses or which part of the project was the most cost-effective is even better! This is why Cienapps is allowing you to get a detailed analysis of your price cost for each folder composing project.
Whether you are in a quotation, order or work-order file, right-click on the parent-product in order to open the folder.
Once the folder window opened, you will be able able to consult your cost price by selecting the ‘'Cost’'.
Under it, you will find three calculations:
Calculation of cost price
This calculation includes all material of the folder, the labour cost (based on the estimated time per product - note that it’s only the budgeted time and not a real punched time, which is available only with the processor), and the margin percentage you’re aiming for, giving you a suggested retail price.
Note that you may choose to ignore the cost of the product already having a detailed price, as they are already being calculated in the calculation of retail price.Gross profit margin
The gross profit margin is the margin percentage you are actually making, based on the order’s selling price versus the calculation of cost price.Calculation of retail price
This calculation includes the children’s price not displayed (product having retail prices configured in the product file, but not broken down under the parent) and the base price of the parent (if applicable) to give you the folder’s total price.
However, note that if a manual price was entered, it will overwrite the actual calculation.
The folder’s price and the children’s displayed price will be summed to give you the retail price’s total. Your benefits will then be calculated based on the retail price versus the suggested one while taking into consideration your fixed and variable expenses.
While you’re still under the ‘'Cost’' tab, you may make a deeper analysis of your cost price by clicking on the ‘'details’' button.
A new window fill open, allowing an extensive analysis of the different factors impacting your cost price, each under their own tab:
Labour cost
Labour cost break down by product and workstationMaterial cost
Material cost breakdown per productFixed expenses
Fixes expenses per product (configurable in the product or category file)Variable expenses
Selling fees per product (configuration in the product or category file)Detail price not displayed
Children’s price not being displayed under the parent in the fileDetail price displayed
The price displayed on the order