

A FlyKit is a set of products grouped under a product in a parent folder of a quotation. At the time of selection, it is possible to modify 'on the fly' the compound products as well as their quantity. This document elaborates on the steps to activate the module, grant maintenance access permission and use a FlyKit.

The advantages of a FlyKit are numerous:

  • Selection allows materials to be added with a single click

  • Entering quantity allows it to be applied to all related products

  • On selection, maintenance (access required) allows on-the-fly modification of related products

  • Deleting a 'FlyKit' product removes related products

Basically, this feature saves you time


The ‘FlyKit’ module must be activated in your Cienapps by a representative. Contact us for further details.

Permission to the ‘FlyKit’ menu

To access FlyKit maintenance, the 'FlyKit' permission in the employee permissions grid is required. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Via the ‘Configuration->Employee->Permissions grid’ menu, access the employee permissions grid and select the group to modify.

2. Navigate to the ‘Configuration’ tab and grant access with the arrow shown in the image. ATTN: A restart of your Cienapps is required after this change.

3. Access the ‘FlyKit’ menu through the ‘Configuration->Manufacturer->FlyKit’ menu.

Maintenance of a FlyKit

Entering a FlyKit requires several steps. You have to enter the name, select related products and adjust the quantities.

  1. Enter a FlyKit using the 'New' or 'Modify' button. ATTN: a FlyKit name must be unique from other FlyKit names.


The name of the FlyKit can’t be modified if it’s used at least once on a product. Therefore, it’s important to be specific when naming a FlyKit.

2. Select one or more products by clicking on the '+' button. To confirm the selection, click on the 'OK' button.

3. When returning, the selected products are displayed. Enter the required quantities. Four decimal digits are available for entry.

4. By pressing OK, the FlyKit is created. The number of products composing it is displayed for information purposes.

Use of a FlyKit

Let’s now elaborate on the selection of a FlyKit. This functionality is only available in the product folder of a quotation. Follow the steps below.

  1. Orient yourself in a quotation file.

2. Right-click on a folder under the product tab and select the 'Open Folder' option.

3. Under the ‘Products’ or 'Materials' tabs, add a product using the '+' button. Find and select a product that will act as a FlyKit.

4. Right-click on the product and select the option 'Add a FlyKit'. ATTN: a product linked to a FlyKit cannot itself be a FlyKit. This product becomes a 'FlyKit' used to link the products making up the selected FlyKit.


You can not stack FlyKits on the same product. In other words, a product cannot have several FlyKits assigned.

5. A FlyKit selection window appears. Let's see some aspects of this window.

  • A user with the right to maintain a FlyKit ('FlyKit' access in the configuration of the permissions grid) can manage the FlyKits as he wishes.

  • Selecting a FlyKit will display a form allowing you to view the list and enter a quantity to return (see next step).

6. The FlyKit window shows the list of component products. Enter a desired quantity. This quantity is returned from ‘FlyKit’ product and the quantities of the compound products are multiplied.

7. The product selected for addition becomes the reference FlyKit and the component products are added. The quantities are multiplied according to the previous quantity entry.


A column allows you to view the name of the FlyKit. In addition, the FlyKit product is bolded in order to designate it more clearly.

Additional particularities of a FlyKit

A FlyKit offers many advantages. Here they are below.

Change quantity

Modifying a quantity of a FlyKit product applies the change to the compound products.

ATTN: modifying a quantity of a composite product has no impact on the other composite products. However, modifying the FlyKit applies the factorial change to the new entered quantity.

Add another FlyKit to the same product

The same product can link the products of several FlyKits. By carrying out the previous operations of adding a FlyKit to the product, the compound products are added and linked to the FlyKit product. As is the case with the change in quantity, the change in quantity applies to all linked products.


In version, this possibility is no longer available. Only one FlyKit can be added to a product. In other words, stacking is unavailable.

Delete a FlyKit

Deleting a FlyKit deletes all linked products.

Add several FlyKits on different products

The functionality allows you to define several FlyKits on different products. The steps are the same as above but applied to different products.

Add a FlyKit to a non-material product

The functionality allows to define a FlyKit on a product that is not a material.

Compound products are added only in the materials tab. This means that a FlyKit does not add compound products to regular products but only to materials. The behavior remains the same for modifying quantities and deleting a FlyKit product.


When saving the file and returning to the submission form, values with decimals are rounded up to the next whole number.

1.0001 in the file gives 2 in the materials tab of the quotation file

Folder Price

This feature allows you to assign a file price automatically according to the retail amount suggested in the 'Cost cost' tab.


To activate this feature, go to the General Configuration under the 'Options 2' tab.

When activated, after restarting your Cienapps, the suggested Retail price of the file will be calculated based on the cost price of the file by adding the margin percentage. The suggested retail price will be automatically placed in the Folder Price field when adding a FlyKit to a product.


In the quotation file, as soon as a FlyKit is present.

As shown in the image, the Folder Price is equal to the Suggested Detail amount. However, when the ‘Manual’ box is checked, the manual price is considered first.

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