Deposit taking

Deposit taking

With this module, you will be able to take one or more deposit based on your project step. These will be transferable to the invoice at the billing process.


Deposit tab

The order’s ‘'Deposit’' tab presents two sub-tabs:

  • Order
    Allows looking, adding or deleting deposits linked to the order

  • Invoice
    Allows looking at all the invoices linked to the order.




Deposit management

To add a deposit, click on the ‘'+’'. You will then have to select the payment method, the deposit amount, the authorization number and the credit card number, if applicable (note that you can use this field to enter the check number instead.)

The balance will be updated at the bottom of the order, the deposit displayed in the ‘'Advance’' field.

To delete a deposit, simply click on the ‘'-’' sign.


Transfer a deposit to an invoice

When transferring the order to an invoice, you will be able to select the deposit to process. Once billed, you will see that the balance of the invoice will have taken the customer advance (deposit) into consideration. These will now be linked to the invoice and be displayed under its ‘'payment’' tab rather than be shown under the ‘'order’' sub-tab of the order.