Automatic planning of the WO production date

With this module, you can automatically plan the production date of your work orders when they are created in addition to being able to reschedule several work orders at once with the new rescheduling option.

Automatic scheduling

There are two options to automatically schedule your WOs production dates :

  1. When transferring the order to a new WO :

    1. You must have an estimated due date in your order

    2. You must have production times

  2. When modifying your WO :

    1. You must have an estimated due date in your WO

    2. There must be no sticks already planned for the WO

    3. You must have production times

If all conditions are met for one of the two options, the WO will then be scheduled for production on the estimated due date.

If the estimated due date does not have open time slots in your planning calendar, your stick will be scheduled for the next date with an open time slot.

Note that if there is no more room on the due date, the production stick will still be scheduled at the end of the day and will overlap the other sticks already scheduled.



Reschedule your work orders

You can now reschedule your work orders with the new rescheduling option available in the work order table. Simply check the work orders to reschedule and click on the "Reschedule" button.

The rescheduling window offers you the following choices:

  • Calendar type : You can choose the types of dates to reschedule. You can select among the three available options, Production (Capacity), Delivery and Installation. Each calendar type is optional, so you can decide which type you want to reschedule.

Red boxes mean that the WO is not scheduled according to the date type. The rescheduling will therefore not be done.

  • Number of business days : Your rescheduled dates will be moved according to the number of business days entered. You can enter a number other than zero, both negative and positive.

Here is the information you need to know for rescheduling according to the type of calendar:

  • Capacity: Rescheduling is done by adding the number of working days to the dates of the sticks planned in capacity. The number of working days is defined according to the capacity schedule.

  • Delivery and Installation : Rescheduling is done by adding the number of working days to the dates of the sticks scheduled for delivery or installation according to the capacity schedule. Thus, the calculated and validated business days will be based on the capacity calendar and then applied to the sticks in the installation calendar.

In the case of rescheduling capacity or installation dates, the processor tasks of your work orders are updated.


Before using this module, make sure you have correctly configured your Capacity calendar and Installation calendar.