
Cienapps allows you to manage all of your purchases with each of your suppliers, in one place.



Purchase table

This table allows you to quickly find your current purchases due to its many search options such as:

  • #Purchase

  • #Supplier Purchase

  • #Confirmation

  • Note

  • By name of Supplier

  • All purchases made from Cienapps

  • Only purchases to be processed - still awaiting receipt

  • Parameter of a period, given date

  • Date of creation of the purchase

  • Delivery date defined at the time of purchase.



A color code allows you to quickly see purchases that are late on their estimated delivery date.


From this table you will be able to:

  • Create a purchase

  • Modify a purchase not confirmed by the supplier

  • Delete a purchase not confirmed by the supplier

  • Print a purchase file

  • Validate the next purchase number



Additional options in the purchasing table

There is also a search option for the results in the Purchase table. Simply press the magnifying glass icon to refine your search.


To create a purchase file, you have two possibilities:

  • Purchasing through the just in time window

  • Manual purchasing

Manual purchase

Here, we’ll look at manual purchasing. This method allows you to create purchases through Cienapps with any of your suppliers, without being specifically attached to a project.


Purchase file

When creating a purchase file, you will first have to select one of your suppliers through the list that was configured beforehand (note that at this point, you can still create and add a supplier directly in this table, if needed.)

Multiples fields are then available:

  • Date - These fields will be filled automatically when saving purchases, based on the current date.

  • Created by - This field will be filled automatically with the user name

  • Supplier - The information shown there is those that were configured beforehand in the supplier file. It is also possible to add a contact.

  • Supplier purchase #, Confirmation # - While Cienapps has its own numbering system, your supplier may give you their own number, or confirmation number. These are the fields that you may use for it.

  • Note - Manuel field for adding a note. It will follow when transferred to Cieblink.

  • Estimated delivery - This field will adjust automatically, based on the delivery delay configured in your product file. However, it is possible to manually force another date.

  • Comment for the supplier / Comment from the supplier - You may add comments for your supplier. These will be transferred to Cieblink with the purchase. Likewise, when receiving your supplier’s response, he will be able to add comments as well, that will transfer to Cienapps.

Once these fields filled, you will have to add the product you want to purchase.

You can either add them by code or name to directly add them, use the magnifying glass to search for a product or use the ‘'+’' sign to open up that product table. Items listed in the table will be the ones that are linked under the selected supplier. In this table, you will also be able to look at the inventory status for each product, thus validate your actual need. Note that the quantity of product added will be 1 by default, unless configuration made in the supplier product file indicates otherwise, such as a minimum purchase quantity.

Additional information is available through multiple columns (note that these are configurable. You can change their order or if you can see them, based on what you find relevant):

  • WO# - Work-order number on which the product belongs, if applicable

  • Status - Purchase status between you and your supplier

  • Supplier code, product, description, and multiple - Information coming from the product file

  • Cost - Cost per unit

  • Quantity - The quantity you want to purchase

  • Received, to receive, cancelled - Status of the product linked to the purchase file

  • Waiting date - Wanted delivery date

  • Estimated delivery - Estimated delivery date returned by supplier

  • Dimension - The width, depth, and length of the product, is applicable

  • Total - The total cost of the product line

  • Document - Attachment linked to a product (such as a visual element, like a countertop plan)