Import of doors and drawer fronts

Import of doors and drawer fronts

The doors and drawer fronts import allows you to import models, colours, wood essence and many more features in order to have as much information as possible about these products and therefore have a precise cost related to them.



Just as the finished product or required materials, you will have to link your doors and drawer fronts to an existing product in Cienapps.

Two options are available in order to apply features to these products:

  • Linking features coming from the CAD/CAM software

  • Manually applying features

In both case, linking and applying features will only be possible with the use of features grids (see the Manage customizable doors with features module)




Linking features coming from the CAD/CAM software

Under the ‘'Non-existent matches'' tab, three sub-tab are available. It’s under the ‘'features’' sub-tab that you will find the different information related to your doors and drawer fronts.

To link a feature to an existing one in Cienapps, click on ‘'link to an existing feature’'. You will have to select to which category it belongs and then select the desired feature.

Once they are linked, you will find all of your doors and drawer fronts information under the “feature” tab of the import windows, under the ‘'Doors and drawer fronts’' sub-tab.


Note: In order for them to be displayed with your door product, an internal or external grid must have been added to the product file beforehand.


Manually applying features

In the case where you wouldn’t have access to features through a CAD/CAM software, it’s still possible to manually apply them to your doors and drawer fronts products.

Once your main product linked to an existing one in Cienapps, right-click on one of them and select ‘'apply features’'.

A new window will open, allowing you to select the different features you’d like to apply to your doors and drawer fronts products.

Note: An internal or external grid must have been added to the product file beforehand.


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