

Add follow-ups manually or automatically in order to know the history of some interventions in the Cienapps files.



Some actions automatically generate notes that will be listed in the follow-up tab:

  • Sending emails from Cienapps
    No matter which files the email will be sent from, the action will generate a note in the order under the ‘'follow-up’' tab, as it is the central point of the project. In addition, these will follow from the quotation to the order and from the order to the invoice.
    However, the follow-up won’t be transferred from the order to the work-order.

  • Transfer of purchases to Cieblink:
    When your purchases are transferred to Cieblink, this action will automatically generate a note that will be registered in the follow-up tab from the supplying file as well as on the receiving file.

  • Credit validation and creation of invoices:
    When making a credit validation or transferring an order to an invoice, it will automatically generate a note that will be visible in the follow-up tab of the order and invoice file.




You can create manual follow-ups from various files within Cienapps, including quotation, order, work order, invoice, customer, purchase and receiving files.

In addition, when generating a new follow-up, you can select both the communication mode or the action related to the follow-up within preset selections available in the follow-up window.

You can also create a warning «popup» for one or more specific follow-ups by checking the box to this effect. These will be visible at the opening of the files where the follow-up is linked. When no longer needed, the warning popup can be easily removed by unchecking the box.