Representative and Salesperson

Representative and Salesperson

Cienapps allows you to identify sales employees. This information will follow in each of the files related to the projects (quotation, order, work-order, invoice) while allowing different follow-up at the sales level.


It's possible to treat separately the representative and the sales rep according to your needs:

  • Representative
    In addition to the sales rep, you could have a third party, in-house, involved in the project. If this is not the case, the sales rep’s name will appear twice on your files. However, note that the representative is not considered in the various sales monitoring and reports.

  • Salesperson
    This field represents the customer’s seller/designer. This information will follow from file to file and is used for sales reports as well as the Sales objectives and results and Visual sales analysis (dashboard) modules.





The configuration is done from the employee file. You just have to select the “Salesperson / Representative” option under the “Details” file.