Customer import

Customer import

The client import window allows you to import an Excel file to create or modify clients.

The name + first name + phone number are the 3 fields that allow Cienapps to know if it is a new customer or an existing one that we simply want to update.

The template for the format of the Excel file can be downloaded directly from the import window.

All the fields in the Excel file will be used to create the client or update it.

Several information found in a client (EX: Telephone type, tax code, etc.) must contain the exact information contained in Cienapps or otherwise be left empty.

Once the Excel has been chosen and imported into the table, Cienapps will use a color code so that you can easily see if a client is new or old or if there is an error in the information contained in the Excel. If the line is red, click on the line and the error box at the bottom of the page to understand what information should be changed.

Once the validations are completed, you can click on the import button at the bottom right to start the process. The red lines will be ignored.