Daily report

Daily report

With two different daily reports, either summary or detailed, you will have easy access to all the monetary transactions made during a specific day or date interval.


Daily report - Derailed

This report shows the daily details of transactions recorded in a specified range of dates for the entire company. It is also possible to select an employee in order to have the details of his processed transactions.

The information in this report illustrates the list of transactions related to payments and interest, deposits, and customer deposits collected per day. It is possible to select an automatic sorting by date, by invoice or by payment type when generating the report.



The details of the transactions are shown in a table form that containing the following information:

  • Date: Date the transaction was registered and completed

  • Invoice#: Reference to the number of the invoice issued in connection with the registered transaction. In this field juxtaposing the invoice number appears a star. This gives you quick access to the invoice file directly from the report.

  • Type: Classification of registered action (payment or interest)

  • Customer: The customer's full name, as written in the customer file.

  • Amount: The amount collected in connection with the transaction.

  • Payment method: Detail of how your company accepts payment and used by the customer to pay the amount collected from the transaction. (Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, other.) - see payment mode configuration

  • Authorization#: If the transaction has generated an authorization number, it will automatically end up in that field.

  • Direct withd.: This field is strictly dedicated to direct withdrawal configured beforehand with a predetermined amount.

  • Employee: Name of the employee who made the transaction.

At the end of this report, you will find the debit and credit transactions in connection with each of the affected ledger accounts' number ledger account numbers as well as the transaction sums by payment method.


Daily Report - Summary

For its part, this report allows you at a glance to easily see by payment method the total amount of all transactions for a given period for the entire company and per employee.