Material Product File

Material Product File

Cienapps allows you to create all of your products, for selling purpose as well as for supplying, all in a single place.

Product Table

The product table allows you to search for a product by name, and/or category and/or by supplier. In this table, you also can create a new product, modify an existing one or merge two products.



Product File

The product file has many tabs which allows you to add a variety of information and configuration in order to make manual purchase or purchasing through the just in time table.

‘'Details’' tab

This tab includes general information about the product, such as:

  • Code
    (This code is your own code at the intern and doesn’t have to be the same as your supplier)

  • UPC Code

  • English/French Name
    (Software will display product name based on the user’s preferred language)

  • Category
    (Drop down menu based on product categories previously created, allowing the printing of some reports and easing product search)

  • Web link
    (Allows to add a web link directed to the supplier’s website)

  • Image
    (Allows to add an picture of the product)








Quantity sub-tab display stock count for that product specifically:

  • In stock
    (Sum of the available and reserved stock)

  • Available
    (Part of the quantity in stock that haven’t been allocated to a specific project)

  • Reserved
    (Quantity in stock that were allocated for a specific project)

  • Purchase
    (Quantity bought but not received yet)

  • BO
    (Required quantity for one or more project that either were purchased but not received or waiting to be bought)

  • Minimum
    (Minimum quantity required in stock. When the quantity drops below that limit, the software will automatically suggest to buy the missing amount in the just in time table.)

  • Maximum
    (Maximum quantity required in stock. Suggested purchase will never go over that limit.)

''Product type'' tab

There are three types of product that you have to choose from:

  • Kit
    (A kit is generally made of a group of items. In a project, instead of selecting all these products separately, we will simply add a kit which, at purchasing level, will trigger a purchase for each products it contains. The quantity field is for the total amount of product in the kit)

  • Non-Stock quantity
    (This product type is selected when creating a product that cannot be manage in an inventory, such as a ‘'project’' product, or a product that needs customization, such as doors or counter tops.)

  • Quantity management
    (This product type is the standard one, for all product that you can manage within an inventory)






Options tab

Many other options are available to you to better manage your products.

  • Price modification on quotation/orders/BT permit

  • Do not affect Cost

  • Do not display child price
    The children’s price will display at 0$ under the parent but will be counted in the total price of the folder.

  • Does not print label on reception

  • Make the product visible on the production report

  • Use this product as a classification
    Allows this product to be used as a classification during CAD/CAM import

  • Non-Commissionable

  • Non-discountable

  • Non-taxable

  • To Ship/deliver
    This box must be checked to consider the product at the shipping level. See the next module for more information: Shipping

  • Batch Order Only
    This box must be checked in order to trigger products to buy in kanban mode, or in batches. It is checked automatically when the product minimum is greater than 1. It must therefore be checked manually when you wish to trigger automatic purchases with a minimum quantity of 1.

Receipt Label Print Type
This selection will vary depending on the module: Automatic receipt label printing




'Supplier'' tab

This tab present a list of all suppliers linked to that product, configured through the Supplier Product file.

''Memo'' tab

Memo are a notes field that can be displayed as a pop-up when adding the item on a project, or can appear in the long description of the product once in a project.

Quotation, Order, Work-Order, Purchase tab

These tabs allows you to see stock count per product per file, as well as their inventory status (overall quantity, reserved, BO, in purchase, etc.)

Document tab

Allows to add documents for future reference and consultation matters regarding the product.

Manufacturer tab

Allows to determine manufacturer product type, some physical features of the product, as well as to add labor time per workstation, which will in turn be used to calculate an estimate of the overall labor time needed for a job.


It’s under this tab that you can retrieve links that were made between Cad/Cam codes and product codes within Cienapps.


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