Mozaik Import
The Mozaik import module allows you to import CSV files from Mozaik directly into Cienapps.
Open the import window (Menu → Sales → CAD/CAM Import) and then select Mozaik as the import type. After that, you need to choose your file for the material and/or doors to import.
This is what the Material file should contain. The following fields will be used during the import:
Item : Code for the imported product.
QTY : Imported quantity
Units : Used to validate if it is a product to be imported. Only the lines containing the "#" sign will be imported. In the example, you can see that the Finished Area is of type "SqFt". This line will be ignored during the import.
The other fields are optional, but must still be present.
Example of a Material.csv file
"True","1 Flip HK,"","1,"#,"0.00,"10,"0.00"
"True","2 Portes","","1","#","0.00,"10,"0.00"
"True","Finished Area,"","252.18","SqFt,"0.00,"30,"0.00"
Example of a Doors.csv file
1,29.875,16.875,{Door Size},R1:1,
2,18.9375,39.875,{Door Size},R1:8(2),
2,26.5,11.375,{Drawer Front Size},R1:N18(2),
1,26.5,7,{Drawer Front Size},R1:N18,
Here is the information needed for the Doors file. Note that the file does not contain any column headers:
The first column contains the quantity of doors to import.
The second column contains the height of the door.
The third column contains the width of the door.
The fourth column contains the characterization of the door.
You must name your door CSV file with the product code that will be used in Cienapps.