Excel importation

Excel importation

Import your product list with this excel file, whether it’s a complementary import to your CAD/CAM files or your principal import tool.


Although this file can be your principal product import tool in Cienapps, it can also be used complementary in case of a not fully configured CAD/CAM system.

Just as with the other importation methods, you will be able to import folders (rooms), as well as all of your product, including finished product, features or any other required materials.





The excel file import doesn’t necessitate any specific configuration beforehand in Cienapps. When you are ready to import, simply choose the ‘'Excel’' importation type and select the file you wish to import.

However, note that the file must match the following structure:

  • Quantity

  • CAD/CAM Code

  • Width

  • Height

  • Depth

  • Product type (matches the manufacturer type within the product file)

  • Features (for doors, countertops and other customizable products). Note: You can add up to 20 features for a single product.

Each tab from the excel file will become a parent-folder (room) under which will be listed your product list.




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