Buy by work-order
This module is used to buy specific configurable product which usually have longer shipping delay, such as doors and counter tops.
You can purchase by work-order through the ‘'just in time’' window, under the ‘'To process by work-order’' tab.
Purchases will be triggered based on multiples variables:
Supplier shipping delay
(already configured in the supplier product file)Order security delay
(Configured lead time, in the planning table)Work-order’s estimated due date
Purchasing forecast date
(In the ‘'just in time’' window)
Generating a purchase by work-order
In order to generate a purchase file, you must provide the ‘'Forcast until’' date and then click on the button Display. The window will be divided in three sections:
Work-Order in progress
List of the products to reserve
List of the products to buy
Since you are purchasing by work-order, you can only select one at a time in order to see the needed product on it.
Once products are displayed in the table, you will have to select them, per supplier, and click on ‘'Buy’' to open a new purchase file.
Note that to be displayed under this Tab, the option Purchase by supplier must NOT be checked in the supplier product file.
Upon purchase file creation, the work-order number will be automatically indicated in the WO# column, as a reference. This information will follow through the purchase order shared with your supplier, in Cieblink.
Once you have made your purchase, the information will be updated in each of the affected work-order.