Manual discount

There are many reasons why you could apply manual discount; promotion, negotiating customer, compensation… To adapt to each of these situations, Cienapps' manual discount offers you flexibility and an automated calculation to ease your task.


Applying a manual discount can be done in both the quotation and the order file. Simply right-click on the parent line and select ‘'Discount’'. A new window ill open, allowing you to look at the existing discounts if applicable, to add new ones or delete them.

To add a discount, click on the “+” button.

This window will indicate:

  • The product on which the discount is applied

  • The product’s total before discount

  • The discount previously applied

  • The total discountable (you may choose to apply a discount while ignoring this total)

  • The discount’s total (this field is calculated automatically, based on the choice made in the discount type)

  • Final total

To delete an existing discount, select it and click on the ‘'-’' button. To modify one, double-click on the discount line to reopen the discount window.