Buy by supplier

Buy by supplier

This module allows you to regroup under a same purchase file all products to buy from a single supplier, without regard to the different projects. Thus, you will optimize your time while limiting transport fees generated by too many small purchase order sent separately.


You can purchase by supplier through the ‘'just in time’' window, under the ‘'To process by supplier’' tab.

Purchases will be triggered based on multiples variables:

  • Supplier shipping delay
    (already configured in the supplier product file)

  • Order security delay
    (Configured lead time, in the planning table)

  • Work-order’s estimated due date, based on either end of production date and/or install date

  • Purchasing forecast date
    (In the ‘'just in time’' window)



Generating a purchase by work-order

In order to generate a purchase file, you must provide the ‘'Forecast until’' date and then click on the button Display. You can also filter based on the supplier you want to buy from.

The window will display two tables:

  • Product to reserve

  • Product to buy

Products to buy represent product on work-orders that are in B/O and that doesn’t have a sufficient quantity in stock. Quantities to buy are also based on quantities coming from work-orders, but will also take in consideration the minimum stock required that were configured within the different product files.

To make your purchase, simply click on one of the product, than click on ‘'buy’'. All product related to that supplier will appear on the purchase file. You may also use the checkbox to specifically add certain product on the purchase file.


Upon the creation of purchase file, work-order numbers associated to product will automatically fill the WO# column, for reference purpose. Product configured as batch order or ordered based on a minimum stock requirement will not display any work-order numbers.

Once purchase completed, the information will be updated in the affected work-orders.