Excel Importation WPF (Quotation)

Excel Importation WPF (Quotation)

The Excel WPF Importation is a tool that allow you to improve the quotation and accounting process for multi-housing projects.



This tool is specially designed for the importation at the quotation level. You’ll be able to manage sales product with unique naming, preventing the repetitive creation of new products at each quotation.





That process of adding sales products is using an excel (.xls) format. The imported fields are the following :

  • Quantity

  • Floor

  • Unit

  • Product Code

  • Name

  • Description

  • Price


Automatic fields

When importing, the measurement fields will be automatically filled according to the information configured in the product file :

  • Width

  • Height

  • Depth



Unique sales products naming

Each line of the excel file corresponds to a folder. Name and Description fields from the importation file will have a priority over the informations of the product file.

(Note in the gif that the imported products name are different than the product file name)


Excel Template


The template has been designed so that you dont need to worry about the size of your project, allowing you to import up to 150 folders (rooms) and up to 15 children products per folder

Import template to download :