Do not display the price of the children and cumulate them in the parent's price

Cienapps gives you the option to accumulate the price of the products added in a folder in order to generate the price of that folder automatically.

In Cienapps, there is a hierarchy that we often identify as “Parent” and “Children”. So the product that was initially added and will contain other products is a file that we call “Parent”. Then, the products added inside this folder are named “Children”.

Therefore, when creating or managing your products, it is possible to make a configuration allowing the retail price of this product (Children product) to be automatically counted in the price of the folder (Parent product) in which it is added.

This configuration can be found in the Option tab of the Product file. You can check this option at any time so that, when the product is added, its retail price will add up to the retail price of the folder.

Note: If the option «Do not display the price of children» is checked for a product and it is added as a parent, the price of this product will be displayed.