Enabling Inventory Scanning in the Digitizer
This feature is accessible in the scan window from the menu.
When this module is activated, the configuration of the files makes the ‘Inventory’ tab available.
This feature has two scanning modes: automatic and manual
Automatic mode
A-Scanning a product code allows use of the functionality. This field can be used with a typical hand reader or by manual entry.
B-When scanning with this option enabled, the inventory associated with the product is automatically adjusted by addition or removal (option C)
C-By default, a scan removes inventory by -1 for the targeted product. This option allows you to add quantities +1. Upon successful scanning, a toast is displayed.
Manual mode
A-Scanning a product code allows use of the functionality. This field can be used with a typical hand reader or by manual entry.
B-Unchecking this option switches scanning to manual mode
C-In the case of manual mode, the scanned products are added to the bottom grid. The quantity is adjusted by +1 or -1 (depending on the option of Remove from inventory or Add to inventory). It is also possible to manually enter the quantity.
D-When the scanning operation is completed on the targeted products, the 'Process' button confirms the adjustment to the inventory for the products in the grid. When using it, confirmation is requested from the user.
Special cases
Scanning does not allow you to remove inventory to 0 for a product. When this happens, a toast message is displayed.
Scan History
The ‘History’ tab allows you to consult the entry of changes to quantities.
A date range (start - end) allows you to apply a filter on the cases to display.
The ‘Show’ button allows you to obtain the list of cases within the targeted date range.