Special schedule
Here you will learn how to configure a special schedule within your calendar. These are used to make a specific schedule available.
The team must not have an inherited schedule in order for the time slot to be working. If the lines appear as shaded, delete schedule or create a specific one for the team.
Once that is done, create a special schedule to add a specific time slot available in the calendar. In our example, we only want to add a day as unavailable, so we will make the time slot outside working hours in order to have it shaded:
Add a schedule and choose ‘'Special Schedule’'
Enter the description
Check the right day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
Specifically enter which day the team is unavailable. For a full day, the ending date must be the following day.
Enter the hours of the special schedule for which the employee is still available (for a full day, enter 12:00 as the beginning, and 12h01 as the ending time.)