Stacked Sales Funnel V2

Stacked Sales Funnel V2

Version 2 of the stacked pipeline allows to define intervals with specific ratios per order (example: interval #1 20%, interval #2 25%, interval #3 30% and interval 25%). Version 1 of the stacked pipeline uses a ratio divided evenly by the number of intervals assigned in the command.

Graphically, a specific tab has been created in order to use this module. It is possible to use version 1 and 2 at the same time provided that the modules are activated.

Order form - Intervals


In the file of each order, in the 'Information' tab, it is possible to enter a number of intervals. See picture aside. A cascading input table would populate the following columns:

Ratio (%): represents the ratio in % on the total amount of an order. It cannot exceed 100%. See the calculation below for the use of this ratio.

Due date: this date will be considered in the quotations dashboard. See calculation below.

In an order file, intervals by ratio can be assigned.


Particularities of entering intervals

  • The total of the ratios must be 100%. Otherwise, when saving the file, a message is displayed if there is a number different from 0% and whose total is not 100%. The file cannot be saved if this rule is not respected.

  • The intervals entered could be within the same week if desired.

  • It is possible to remove an interval line: this adjusts the number of intervals in weeks. The '-' button performs the line removal action.

  • When entering an interval, the same number of rows is created in the table with a proportional % (e.g.: 4 rows = 25%, 25%, 25%, 25%). This only applies if the list is empty (no lines). This speeds up typing.

  • On changing an increasing number of intervals, an additional number of lines is added with a ratio of %0 and the current date, by default.

  • On an entry decreasing the number of intervals, a message appears indicating to remove the lines manually with the '-' button.

  • Entry of intervals other than 0% ratio requires mandatory entry of details (ratio and date).

Stacked Sales Pipeline V2

The stacked pipeline version 2 is the equivalent of version 1. However, some elements differ and are elaborated on in the documentation below.


Access to version 2 is possible through the ‘Quotation Dashboard’ menu either through the search or through the tools section.

Access via the search menu



The permission required for access is “Dashboard”. It must be granted to the group of users for access (employee file). A restart of Cienapps may be required.



Access to version 2 is possible through the ‘Stacked Pipeline V2’ tab.

See image and explanation below.


Default navigation is performed in 28-day increments. Using the ‘Navigate per week’ checkbox allows for 7-day jumps. It is through the use of arrows that these jumps are made.

B - Section click on the histogram

On a click of a histogram section (eg: quotation), the list is displayed in a new window as is the case in version 1. However, in the case of orders, these are displayed in the left section (section C).

C - List of orders

The controls targeted by the click of a histogram section are displayed. The format and data differ depending on the use of a specific permission and module (see below). The label indicating the targeted week is displayed above the table of orders by default when clicked. By default, the orders displayed are in the same format as those of the command search window (command list window). The gear to configure the columns allows to select the columns and the sequence. This is independent of the configuration used for the command list.

Module and specific permission

The “Work order totals by project type module must be enabled.

It allows you to use the order analysis tool and manage the types of projects in the product sheet.

The ‘Order analysis’ permission (‘Tool’ section) must be granted.

When these two conditions are met, the table displayed has the same format and the same calculations found in the order analysis window. However, the column configurator is independent of that of the analysis window.

Otherwise, if either condition is not met but the stacked pipeline V2 module is enabled, the user will see the default order table (same as order list window).

Calculation functionality for ratio

In the case of a list of specific orders (module & active permissions), the ratio % works according to the following explanations.

The stacked bar chart relates to sub totals and total amounts. The V2 functionality crosses the ratios ( %) of the order intervals with the orders targeted by the histogram.

Let us take an example case to illustrate the calculations. The date filter considers orders according to the following rules.

  • Orders (without interval) having an install date in the target dates filter. At this time, the calculation of the amounts is simply the sub-total and total of the order details.

  • Orders (with at least one interval) whose interval due dates are within the target dates. In other words, the installation date is not considered by the filter. At this time, the calculation is as follows: Total ratio (%) X total amount of order details (For example: 25% X 10,000 = 2,500.)

Let's take a sample order data to illustrate the calculations

Order #

Nb interv


Sub Total
(Order Detaill)






















Interval #

Due Date

Ratio (%)

























Filter from 2023-07-01 to 2023-07-29

Results - Total

Order 1 (no interval) : 23000

Order 3 (no interval) : 3400

Order 4 (interval# 1) : 5000 X 50 % = 2500

Order 5 (interval# 1,2,3) : 7500 X (30 % + 25 % + 20 % ) = 5 625

Results per week (arbitrary, not conforming to feature date rules)

Week from 2023-06-26 to 2023-07-01 : 23000 + (7500 X 30 % ) = 25 250

Week from 2023-07-02 to 2023-07-08 : 0

Week from 2023-07-09 to 2023-07-15: 3400 + (50 % X 5000) + (25 % X 7500) = 7 775

Week from 2023-07-16 to 2023-07-22: 0

Week from 2023-07-23 to 2023-07-29: 20 % X 7500 = 1500

Applicability of calculations

By default, in the case of the list of standard orders, the calculations are performed only on the subtotals. In the case of the list of orders coming from the analysis of orders, the ratio is applied to the types of special projects.

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