Shared order

Shared order

Cieblink allows you to share an order file with your customer in real time, promoting a smooth information exchange while avoiding retranscription mistakes.


The shared order is the same as the shared purchase, on your customer’s side.

It includes all the necessary information for an order such as the customer’s company, contact/purchaser name, delivery address as well as all products bought (including features and sizes, if applicable.)


It will also allows you to adjust your prices, delivery dates and quantity, in case of back-orders; your customer will be instantaneously notified, thanks to a colour system (see Purchase status in real time module).




The order can either come directly from your customer, in which case you will be notified by email that a new order came in, or it can be created by yourself., in case of a customer not entirely familiar with the plate-form yet.

To create an order, you only have to be connected in Cieblink and select ‘'Order’'. Under this menu, you’ll find the full list of your passed orders and the current ones.

To create a new order, click on ‘'Create a new order’'. A new window will open, allowing you to select your customer. Note: Customers available from that window must have been added beforehand in the ‘'customers'' menu.

The main fields will be filled automatically, based on the company file of the customer. However, note that it is possible to set a different delivery address, to add a customer reference or an additionnal note.

To add a product, click on ‘add product’'. Your own product list will then be displayed in the new window. You simply have to add them by clicking on the “+” sign.

Validate your delivery address and your prices, than click on ‘'send’' to send it to you customer.

Once your customer has accepted your modality, the order status will turn green, confirming that the order can be processed.