Shared purchase

Shared purchase

The shared purchase represent the purchase order within Cieblink, which you share, in real time, with your supplier.


In case of a Cienapps user, the purchase will be transfered from the software to the platform. However, there is also a possibility to use Cieblink only. In this case, you will have to create a purchase order straight from the web platform, under the ‘'Purchase’' menu. Once all your suppliers added to your list, you will be able to click non ‘'Create a purchase’', and will have access to a purchase order.





This purchase order establish a direct link with your supplier. Thus, you will find your own general information, as well as you supplier’s general information.

Will follow product to buy, including:

  • Product code

  • Description

  • Desired quantity

  • Cost

  • Delivery delay

  • Reference # (automatically filled with the work-order number, in case of a purchase coming from Cienapps)

You may also add attachment file for your supplier.

Once the purchase order has been sent, you will be waiting for a confirmation. From your purchase, your supplier will either confirm or change the product information (such as raising or lowering a price based on an ongoing promotion or extending a delivery delay in case of B/O, for example). Thus, you will be notified in real time about your purchase order status. This exchange will also be a mean to confirm and seal the deal with your supplier, for each of your purchase. Note that if you are using Cienapps, these informations will be updated in the software as well. Also, whether you are using Cieblink only or with Cienapps software, you will be notify through email as well, for any changes or confirmation from your supplier.

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