Switch supplier

Switch supplier

Manage multiple suppliers for a single product, and select the one that you want to deal with at the purchase step, based on shipping delay, product availability and price.



In order to switch supplier, it is mandatory to have more than one configured in the product file.




Just in time

Whether your purchase is to be processed by supplier or work-order, you will be able to switch suppliers.

In order to do the exchange, you must open the just in time purchasing window. Select the product(s) that you would like the supplier to be switched, and click on the ‘'Other supplier’' button. A table with the available and previously configured suppliers from the product file will open. You only have to select the desired supplier and it will be updated in the just in time table in order for you to be able to keep on making your purchases.

Note that if you select more than one product for a supplier exchange, you have to make sure that they have the same suppliers available otherwise, only the ones that they have in common will be displayed.