Internal purchasing

To activate this module, select it in the modules window


At the time of activation, you will be asked to select a supplier and a customer. They will be the internal supplier and the customer who will be selected by default during the processes related to internal purchasing. If an error is made at the time of selection, just deselect the module and reactivate it, the selections will be offered again.

After activating the module, close Cienapps and reopen it, the module will then be active.

In a product sheet, under the Product Type tab, the Internal Kit option is now available. On selection of the internal kit for a product, the product type will automatically become Quantity Management and a new Internal Kit tab will become available in this product.


If not, the internal supplier selected earlier will automatically be added to the list of suppliers for this product and will become its default supplier.

In the Internal Kit tab, pressing the + button will allow the selection of products to add to the kit.

If an internal kit product is present in a new purchase, a new button will be available in the form to switch this purchase to WO.

On activation of this button, an order will be created with the internal customer selected previously as customer and containing in products the elements constituting the internal kit linked to the product selected for purchase. The order will be automatically transferred to WO and all you have to do is fill in the mandatory fields.

When the window closes, the WO # will be entered as the supplier purchase # on the purchase form and the expected delivery date will be the estimated installation date in the WO. Subsequently, a change to the installation date will modify the corresponding purchase to update the delivery date.