Supplier Product File

Supplier Product File

With the supplier product file module, you will be able to link multiple suppliers to a single product. This will allow you to quickly compare pricing and delivery delay or, in case of a backorder, to change supplier in the just in time table.

Accessible through the ‘'Supplier’' tab of the product file, the Supplier Product file is its complement, counting all information specific to one or more suppliers respectively.

Among the editable field, you will find:

  • Supplier
    (Drop down menu displaying all suppliers that were previously configured)

  • Product Code
    (Code that directly refers to your supplier’s code)

  • UPC Code

  • Description

  • Unit Cost
    (Cost price based on product multiplier)

  • Cost
    (Cost price)

  • Suggested price
    (Supplier’s retail suggested price)

  • Minimum order
    (Minimum quantity to buy on one purchase; this quantity will be the one that will be automatically set when creating a purchase, and it will not be changeable manually for a lower one)

  • Multiplier
    (Amount by which the cost price needs to be divided to obtain the unit cost. For example, for en edgebanding tape roll, it could cost you 75.00$ for 320'. The multiplier would then be 320.)

  • Order multiple
    (Allows to set a purchasing multiple in the order. For example, if multiple is set to 10, the user will be able to by multiple of 10 only, and won’t be able to buy an intermediary amount.)

  • Shipping delay
    (Supplier’s delivery delay that will be taken into consideration when triggering purchases in the just in time table)

  • Default supplier
    (Allows you to choose that specific supplier by default for that product. When making your purchases, the software will generate it based on this configuration.

  • Purchase by supplier
    (Allows to display and regroup product of the same supplier on a single purchase file)

  • Group product on the purchase
    (Allows to regroup on the same line item to buy, independently of their projects, for printing purposes only

  • Grid
    (Allows to attach a feature grid used to calculate accurate pricing for a customizable product (such as door or countertop)

  • Image
    (Allows to add a picture of the product)

It is also possible to deactivate the product for a supplier only, either in case of discontinuity or because it has been replaced by another one.