Purchase status in real time
With the help of a colour code, Cienapps allows you to rapidly look at the status of your purchases. Being directly connected with your supplier through Cieblink, you will be notified as soon as your purchase gets modified or accepted, and take action if needed.
It is possible to see the status of your purchases through multiple places, depending on your need:
Purchase table in Cienapps
Allow seeing all purchases
Work-order, under ‘'Purchase’' tab
Allow seeing purchases linked to the work-order only
Purchases in Cieblink
Allow seeing all purchases and interact with then in case of a modification
Colour code
Three colours are used to define the status of the purchase:
Your purchase has been sent but was not confirmed by your supplier yet.Red
Your purchase has been received by your supplier, but it has been modified, whether it is the delivery date or a product’s price. You need to validate those changes (either by accepting them or negotiating with your supplier in order to find an agreeable deal) in order to get your purchase accepted. Otherwise, it will stay pending.Green
Your purchase has been accepted by your supplier.