Formula validation

Formula validation

The formula validation is present in the feature grid and the recipe file. Once selected, the other tabs will have the same selection.

Normal validation

  • Validates the number of brackets

  • Validates the number of parenthesis

  • Validates the chosen separator

  • Validates the chosen criterias

  • Validates the integrity of the formula (1+1=2)



Strict validation

  • Validates if there are any missing opening parenthesis after the interrogation mark

  • Validates if there are any missing closing parenthesis before the ELSE\SINON word


To validate with strict validation, the user must select the strict validation checkbox.

The tabs in which there’s strict validation:

  • Cost formula

  • Price formula

  • Time formula

  • Custom description


For the recipe, it’s pretty much the same thing.

The tabs in which there’s strict validation:

  • Recipe name

  • Description