Transfert Updated Grids to Cieblink

Transfert Updated Grids to Cieblink

Starting with Cienapps version, grid transfers have been improved to be at least 10 times faster. Normally, the transfer takes less than a minute.

To transfer all the products from a specific Product Category to update their grid in Cieblink you need to be in the Main screen of Cienapps then press F3 on your keyboard.

Next Type CAT in the search bar.

Then Select Product Catgory.

Cienapps will open the Catgory Table window.

If the Feature Grid you have change is used by products that are in more than one category you only need to transfert one of these.

If you have created a new product, you only need to transfert the Category that your product is in.


For the Example we will transfert the CABINETS BASE Category.

Double Click on the Category to open it then press the Transfert to Cieblink button.

To update the images of products and characteristics, you must export the Image Zips to be imported into your Cieblink account. This can take several minutes depending on the size of your images.


Then, we import the images through Cieblink.


Before version, the transfer was slightly different.

For the Example we will transfert the CABINETS BASE Category.

Double Click on the Category to open it then press the Transfert to Cieblink button.

At this point Cienapps ask you to save the ZIP images file to a folder on your computer.

these files are going to be used into cieblink to import them.

To Start the transfert press the Select Folder button.

Once the Transfert will be finished you will be noticed by email that the transfert is completed.