Manual Category Input Formats

Manual Category Input Formats

The module adds an additional option that allows you to choose the input format for a manual category.

These different input formats only impact the characteristic selection on Cieblink.

Here are the different options:

  • Adaptable according to the content (Text, dimensions) Cieblink default choice.
    Numeric values are considered as dimensions. (Imperial Fraction or Metric Decimal)

  • Text

  • Currency

  • Decimal numeric

  • Integer numeric

Adaptable Format

The adaptable format is the default choice.

This allows the entry of text or when the entry is numeric, it is considered as measurements.


Currency Format

Forces two decimal places.
Displays the currency sign.


Text Format

Input allows entry of any text.


Decimal Format

Input only allows the entry of numbers.
Input allows as many decimals as desired.


Integer Format

Input only allows entry of whole numbers.




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