A Feature is a choice or an option that you want to be available in a specific Feature Category .
To Add a Features to the Grid.
You need to go in the Features Tab of the grid.
For this example the Feature Category FINISH SIDE CHOICES had been added to the Grid.
At the botttom left you can see all the existing Features that are available in this category.
To make a Feature available to your Grid you need to select it and drag it in the first empty line of the Features Category.
Select the Feature you want to make available to your grid
keep the left mouse button pressed to drag the feature into the first empty case
If you need to have more then one choice to be available just Drag all the Features you need in the Table.
At the right of the Table you can see that there is two Arrow, One Up and One Down.
These Arrow allow you to change the order of the Features already added to the grid.
If the Feature you want is not available you will need to know How to Create a New Feature .
In some case you will need to use the Features Groups other than using a Feature Directly.