

MOC allows to calculate fees certain product or job can generates.

It can be configure either by:

1- Product (% or $)

2 - Product category (% or $)

3 - General manufacturing overhead costs ( % )


Meaning that if a product doesn’t have any MOC configured, we can look at it’s category. If none is configured, we will look at the general configuration.


If MOC is configured as a percentage, two calculation will be done in order to get it’s value:

1 - Takes product cost * quantity * %

2 - Takes labor money value triggered by product * MOC

ex : Workshop 1 = 10 minutes, hourly rate 60$h

Workshop 2 = 30 minute, hourly rate 50$h

MOC = 15%

((10/60) * 60 * 1.15) + ((30/60) * 50 * 1.15) = 40.25


If MOC is configurated as a fixed value ($)m each product quantity will trigger that value.

Meaning that if MOC is 5$ and quantity product is 3, the MOC value will be of 15$.

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