Supplying and product configuration

Supplying and product configuration


This configuration will manage when your purchases will be generated in the Just-in-time.

Whatever numbers of days you put in the Order securiy delay, it will be added to the number of days that you have put as the Shipping Delay for each of you Supplier / Product File

Order security delay : Lead time for you production. If your production is usually 6 days and you want 2 days as security, put 8 days as the value

The configuration file is accessible through Scheduling > Maintenance > Configuration


To load the Just in time in each you're going to do your purchase, select the Just in time

Supplying > Just in time


Under the To Process by Supplier tab

You will find, all the Products you want to buy from a Supplier, for example all products from McFaddens, all projects combined

Under the To Process by Work Order tab

You will find, all Products to buy per specific Work-order, for example doors for a specific project

Under the Buy / Reserve Later tab

You will find, all the Products, for all projects combined, that you have to buy or reserve later than the Forecast until date provided

*You can use the Supplier dropdown list option to select a Supplier to be used as filter before using any of the 3 options above

Just in time > To process by supplier


To display the purchases

Provide the Forecast Until date and then click on the button Display

Click on the To Process by Supplier tab. 

At the top of the screem you will see all the Products To reserve from the inventory. 

At the bottom all the Products To buy.

(For the Products to be displayed under this tab, the option Purchase by supplier must have been checked as they were created for this supplier > see steps 9 )

Since Cienapps is also managing your inventory, it is strongly recommended to first, reserve all the products that you can before proceeding with your purchases since, as you reserve products, quantities can go below the desired minimum requirement so, Cienapps will then put these products under the To buy section automatically but this time, to update your inventory.

Just in time > To process by supplier


The button +/-   just under the button Reserve allows you to check / uncheck all the products at once, it is suggested to reserve the products for the most important project first

Once, all the products have been Reserved, you can proceed with the purchases from the To buy section

Multiple Products from multiple Suppliers are displayed in the To buy section. Select one product line from the Supplier you want to create a Purchase Order for and use the button Buy to generate the Purchase Order

Just in time > To process by supplier


The product quantity that is In stock is the sum of what is Available for new projects plus what is already Reserved for the current projects

Product file > Details tab


Now, the In stock quantity would be at 600, no items were used yet, only reserved. Reserved quantity would be at 37 items and the Available quantity is at 528 for future projects.

The Ordered quantity is 30 and reflects the quantity currently in purchase.

The BO (Backordered) quantity is 10 and reflects the quantity that needs to be reserved or in purchased but not yet received.

The Minimum quantity is the minimum quantity allowed in your inventory before you generate a purchase for this product


Product file > Details tab


The product type allows you to define your inventory management : 

Non-stock quantity : Product that aren't inventoried (Cabinet, finished products)

Quantity management : Materials that are inventoried and needs to generate a purchase when necessary

Product file > Product Type

The Supplier product file influence the purchase of the product. 

Product code : Supplier code used to purchase the product.

Description : Description of the product.

Shipping delay : Days in take to receive the product once it's approved by the supplier.

Minimum order : Minimum quantity to be ordered.

Multiplier : to be used with Edge to get a cost per foot and not per roll.

Order multiplier : batch of ordering if you're ordering more than the minimum order. 

(ie: I need to order a quantity of 55 for a product but the minimum order is 50, I'll configure a order multiple of 50 to order a quantity of 100 total instead of 55)

Default supplier : to be checked if it's your supplier by default.

Group products on the purchase : cumulate the quantity fo the same product (only on a printed version) on one line when it's configured as to purchase per supplier. 

Product > Supplier tab (double click on the supplier)


All the products To Buy with an Order # = to 0, are products define as Batch Order Only which means that they are bought to fill minimum quantities.

(If not checked, the Product will be then bought by Supplier)

Just in time & Product file>Options tab


When you have click on Buy in the just in time, you have generated a Purchase file. You can use the supplier purchase #, Confirmation # and the Note section to enter more information. 

Click on Transfer button to continue the interaction with the supplier in Cieblink

Just in time (or Purchase)


To generate the puchase per Work-Order,

Provide the Forecast Until date and then click on the button Display. Click on the To Process by work-order tab. 

The window is divided into three sections:

  1. At the top you have the list of Work-Order in progress
  2. In the middle (To reserve section), you have the list of the products to reserve
  3. At the bottom (To buy section), you have the list of the products to buy

Select a Work-Order line to display the products to reserve or to purchase. 

Check the To process line and click on Reserve (or use the button +/-)

Check the To process line and click on Buy (or use the button +/-)

(You may choose to use the Other supplier button if you'd like to purchase with a different supplier than the default one)


To be displayed under this Tab, the option Purchase by supplier must NOT be checked.

Under the product file > Supplier tab


As you reserve a Product, the matching product line of the related Work-Order will go from RED to BLACK indicating that this product is now reserved for this job.

The line of a purchase product will turn BLACK only upon the reception of this product. You can also the status of the line as it's reserved (Res.) or Back ordered (BO) 



The Buy / Reserve Later tab allows you to see ALL the remaining products, regardless of the Supplier, that are needed for your, but needs only to be bought later than the forecast Until date that you have provided.

Provide the Forecast Until date and then click on the button Display. Click on the Buy/Reserve later tab. 

Click on the header Supplier to regroup the Products. 

Review the list and see if you can add products to fill your missing amount with products that need to be purchased at a later date. Notice that you now have the Maximum Delay date and the Cost of all the Products that you could buy today from that Supplier to increase the value of your Purchase order.

You can now go to back to the other tabs to generate the purchase using the same Forcecast Until date

Just in time


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