Formula Generator

Formula Generator




(1) Formula Writing Space

  • The area where the formula is created.

(2) Dynamic Tag Generation



  • The first dropdown menu distinguishes the available types of tags.

  • The second dropdown menu determines the tag, and in the case of a complex tag, a third dropdown menu will be available to complete it.

  • Once the complete tag is selected, it will be generated in a system-readable format at the cursor's position in the writing space.

(3) Available Mathematical or Logical Functions

  • These functions can be used when creating formulas. See below for a more detailed description.

  • Upon selecting an option, it will appear in its basic form at the cursor's position in the writing space.

(4) Basic Formula Validation

  • This validation ensures that the tags present in the formula are valid and that the formula has a logical structure.

  • WARNING: A successful formula validation does not guarantee that there will be no errors during the interpretation of the formula when generating an export file. If an error occurs, the error message will replace the formula's output value.

(5) Applying the Formula

  • By clicking Apply, the modal will close, and the content of the writing space will be inserted at the cursor's position on the main page.


Function Descriptions



( Logical_Test ? Value_If_True ELSE Value_If_False )


  • This function returns one of the two values, either Value_If_True or Value_If_False, depending on the result of the logical test placed in Logical_Test.

  • If the logical test returns TRUE, Value_If_True will be used; otherwise, Value_If_False will be used.

Mathematical Functions






  • This function returns the absolute value of the number inside the parentheses.

  • Replace 123 with an appropriate numeric tag.

Comparison Function



STRINGCOMPARE("abc", "def")

  • This function compares two strings and returns TRUE if they are identical and FALSE if they are different.

  • To use a tag, replace the quotation marks as follows:

    • Example: STRINGCOMPARE([PRODUCT CODE], "def")

  • To use a custom string, keep the quotation marks:

    • Example: STRINGCOMPARE("abc", "new string")

Logical Keywords




These keywords allow the creation of logical formulas that can be interpreted by the system.