This configuration step is essential in order to be able to import your files from Cabinet Vision to Cienapps. In addition, note that it is possible to have one configuration per version of Cabinet Vision.


To create a new user, you must start the SQL Management Studio in Administrator mode.

Here are the steps to get there:

1-In the search bar, type SQL SERVER.

2-Right click on Microsoft Server Management Studio.

3-Click on Run as Administrator.

-Click on Connect.

1-Right click on Logins

2-Click on New Login…

Configuring the SQL identifier

Via the SQL Management studio, it is necessary to create one identifier per version of Cabinet Vision. This identifyier will be used to specify from which database we will import.

General tab:

1-Choose a Login name.

2-Choose a Password.

3-Uncheck the Enforce password policy box.

Note: In order to avoid error messages and future login problems, it's recommended to disable password expiration.

4-Choose the right Database to assign this new Login. (Ex. CVData_2021)

Server Roles tab :

1-Check the serveradmin and sysadmin boxes.

Configuration in Cienapps

From the “Manufacturer Configuration” menu, under the CAD/CAM tab, you can select the type of import you wish to use. Depending on the type chosen, different information will be requested:

Version 5 to 8:

  • Door directory
    - Corresponds to the directory where the door.ddb file is located

  • Material Directory
    - Corresponds to the directory where the Material.cxv file is located

Version 9 to 12:

  • Door directory
    - Corresponds to the directory where the door.ddb file is located

  • Wiz Directory
    - Corresponds to the directory where the file is located

  • SQL server name
    - Corresponds to the address of the SQL server

  • Username
    - Corresponds to the name of the identifier created in the SQL database and pointing to the desired DB

  • Password
    - Corresponds to the password linked to the username above

Version 2021, 2022 and 2023

  • SQL server name
    - Corresponds to the address of the SQL server

  • Username
    - Corresponds to the name of the identifier created in the SQL database and pointing to the desired DB

  • Password
    - Corresponds to the password linked to the username above

Note: All information must be configured for every type from which you'd like to import.